The Greatest Battle of Culture by Panigrahi Bethi – Review

The Greatest Battle of Culture by Panigrahi Bethi – Review

In cultural context, India has seen probably more ups and downs than any other civilisation in the world. This is explained by the diversity in languages, practices, food habits and belief systems. However, in today’s busy lives and swiftly changing times, learning about our cultural values in depth has become quite a challenge and in order to fill up this space, Panigrahi Bethi comes with his book, “The Greatest Battle of Culture.” Through his research and understanding of the impacts of people and their actions on Indian culture throughout different times, the author does justice in explaining why and how our culture is today the way we see it.

“The Greatest Battle of Culture” through the title opts for an explanation that focuses on culture, tradition, values, systems followed and how the impacts of time have resulted in their alterations. Through a fictional account, he blends the elements with reality in the manner it occurred in order to build a graphic picture in front of the readers and give them an in-depth understanding of India, the richness of its culture and take pride in its history. 

At the same time, “The Greatest Battle of Culture” features fictional characters who exhibit human traits that can be found even in today’s world. Through this, the author highlights the universal aspect of human nature and how in every century, human characteristics like emotions, behavior and reactions remain similar. They may have come a long way in the use of knowledge and science, yet the basic behaviors still remain the same. He also shows how the actions of the same human beings have resulted in cultural preservation and destruction. In the midst of this, there is also an exploration of the themes of power, identity, the battle of right and wrong.

The concept of changing time is probably the most consistent aspect of “The Greatest Battle of Culture.” The readers can see how time changes and human beings pass the baton to the next generation but it is their consistent endeavours that preserve their identity from getting lost into nothingness. Inherently, he also urges the present generation to learn about India’s rich culture and preserve it as their identity lays in it. To make sure this happens, he concentrates on conveying maximum in minimum length. 

Keeping the book of around 150 pages is one the key features that will ensure that “The Greatest Battle of Culture” reaches a good number of readers. In this length, the author has not only captured the events of many centuries but has also concentrated on sharing precise information that would make sure that the readers get the basic information in a concise manner. This length also ensures that the readers can keep this book with them on the go and carry it around. He does the groundwork for them to go ahead for additional research and find out more about India’s culture, traditions, rituals and understand the meaning behind them closely instead of accepting them on the face of it. The precise division of chapters is another feature that prompts the readers to go beyond the boundaries of “The Greatest Battle of Culture” to explore more. The chapters are short, set the tone of interest and perfect for a bedtime reading. 

This book is recommended to all Indians and all those interested in learning about Indian culture and all the influences on it. While learning about culture has been pushed in the back due to other aspects of learning taking the front seat, “The Greatest Battle of Culture” serves as a reminder of all that Indians should know and understand. In that sense, this book is also significant for reading by the future generations who want to stay connected to their roots. Hence, the relevance of this book for the future generations is clearly underlined. It can also serve as an instrument of enlightenment for those who are not aware of all that has gone down in the preservation, growth and development of Indian culture and all that has gone in this direction while being influenced throughout time.   

Above this, it is the efforts of the author to keep the content concise and focused that deserves praise. Not for once does the narrative waver. It may be in fictional form yet the essence of reality is thoroughly captured and maintained. These salient features make “The Greatest Battle of Culture” a recommended reading for all those who are interested in books of this genre or similar ones. Due to its blend of fiction and non-fiction elements, the book is likely to appeal to readers of both equally. 

While the title may seem to concentrate on one battle that is meant to define destiny for all, reading the book helps the readers examine multiple battles and highlights the greatness of each in the direction of cultural preservation and captures it in depth. Therefore, the battle is seemingly one but a story of the many battles fought to stand where we are today. 

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