Image Source: Hotstar
“The Freelancer” is an exhilarating Indian Hindi-language action thriller web series created and masterfully written by Neeraj Pandey, featuring the directorial talents of Bhav Dhulia. The series, produced under the banner of Friday Storytellers by Shital Bhatia, boasts a stellar cast, including Mohit Raina, Anupam Kher, and Kashmira Pardeshi. Premiering on Disney+ Hotstar on September 1, 2023, it promises a riveting experience for viewers.
Plot: Set in a hostile and deceptive environment, “The Freelancer” takes us on an intense journey alongside Aliya as she strives to escape dire circumstances. Misdirection and treachery loom large in a gripping narrative.
- Mohit Raina as Avinash Damodharan Kamath, alias “The Freelancer”
- Anupam Kher as Dr. Aseef Akmal Khan
- Kashmira Pardeshi as Aliya Khan
- Ayesha Raza Mishra as Sabeena Khan
- Manjari Fadnis as Mrunal Kamath
- Sarah-Jane Dias as Radha Baxi
- Sushant Singh as Inayat Khan
“The Freelancer” offers a thrilling storyline elevated by exceptional performances from a talented ensemble cast. It captivates audiences with a well-maintained story pace and a top-notch background score. However, one of the show’s standout features is the incredibly realistic Syrian setting, which transports viewers to another world. While it’s a must-watch, the disappointment arises from the fact that only four episodes have been released at the moment, leaving the audience on a tantalizing cliffhanger.
Mohit Raina effortlessly fits into the role of “The Freelancer” and receives solid support from the veteran actor, Anupam Kher. The series refrains from unnecessary OTT elements such as explicit sex scenes, drug/alcohol abuse, or forced LGBT characters, delivering a straightforward family drama.
What sets “The Freelancer” apart is its ability to build suspense and anticipation for a potential second season. Mohit Raina’s stellar performance, contrasting his physique with his role in “Mumbai Diaries,” adds depth to the character, making it challenging to recognize him.
In terms of the storyline, the series crafts a remarkable narrative that is both unique and filled with astonishing technological ideas. It keeps viewers engaged with its breathtaking suspense, thrilling plot twists, and Mohit Raina’s captivating portrayal of a law enforcement officer.
“The Freelancer” is truly a gem in the realm of web series. The characters are compelling, the storyline is gripping, and the production quality is of the highest caliber. For those seeking engaging and thought-provoking entertainment, this series is an absolute must-watch. Its brilliant execution and captivating storytelling make it a standout addition to the world of Indian web series.
Review By: Vikram Singh Thakur