“Atmashakti ki Yatra” by Bhanu Pratap Yadaw-Book Review

The poems revolve around various themes like life, motivation, betrayals, nature and self-awakening. The author has written simple yet deep and engaging poems on everyday life topics. The problems we face in our everyday life, the plants we see around us, the climate changes, the changes in human behavior, and a lot more regular happenings in our lives are portrayed by the author in a rhythmic way.

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“Stabbed” by Shambhavi Singh Book Review

The darker side of life finds less expression in literary writing as the darker aspects may be disturbing to many minds. But that does not mean that reality can be denied as it exists the way it is, irrespective of its acceptance or not. “Stabbed” by Shambhavi Singh is one of the few books that bear this impression where the author boldly talks about the time of life when everything goes upside down and all plans go haywire

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Book Review: The Incongruence Butterfly By Ravishkumar Patil

The story revolves around the life of Kaviresh and the misshape nings in his life. One day, he goes missing, without leaving any clue, except his diary. His wife, Nisha, and mom try hard to find him, but they don’t get any clue. Soon, Nisha finds his diary, where he has written about his life. To get a clue, she reads it, only to find shocking surprises.

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Book Review-“Heart Сердце-A Medical Bilingual Book” by Ashutosh Vats.

The basic fact that it is the heart which pumps and purifies blood for the whole body is in itself the loveliest thing that God has created it. In the aesthetic sense, it is also said that the heart feels emotions and yet, its capacity to bear the whole body and ensure life in it is a thing of both beauty and wonder.

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