The book, “Thus Verily Happened” By Author Galla Meher Vineeth- Book Review

Writing a fictional book consists of a lot of effort including the most key factors such as imaginary characters and events and these novels do not describe real people or deal with facts which are real and they usually contain a false scenario. Similarly the book, “Thus Verily Happened” by the author Galla Meher Vineeth, basically revolves around factors like time and death.

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“Deliver Successful Project Using 13 Secrets” By Mohit Jain- Book Review

The book, “Deliver Successful Project Using 13 Secrets” by Author Mohit Jain is an Academic Guide, coming under the category of “Engineering & Technology!” This book is designed for those professionals, who are seeking guide to carry out the projects, which they have been assigned in their professions!

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“Life In Quotes” By Araudra Singh-Book Review

A Book like “Life In Quotes” is for sure a Must Read one and deserves a chance by the readers. The way author had penned down his emotions and feelings through his writings will make you go deep into his quotes and find out the hidden meanings of the words, used in these quotations. Author, Araudra Singh is a promising young Author-Poet, who is very honest with his emotions, which makes his writings honest and reading worthy as well

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Book “Good Morning Friend” By Author Jayesh Vashi-Book Review

This book, Good Morning Friend by Author Jayesh Vashi is a collection of ‘113 Short Notes,’ which is written with a plain & simple aim to make the readers of this book smile. Through this book, the Author has commented on various issues of different categories and has presented his views upon them for the readers. In this book, the readers will find several short notes one after another. Well these thoughts by the Author may serve the readers with a pleasing experience, since the Author’s aim is to make everybody smile with his writing!

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“Deliver Successful Projects Using 13 Secrets” By The Author Mohit Jain-Book Review

In this book “Deliver Successful Projects Using 13 Secrets” by the author Mohit Jain, is written to explore the different fields of management of such projects with flexibility and it shares top thirteen secrets for the readers to gain a meaningful knowledge from reading such a book, leading to a fruitful career or business.

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