Whether we like it or not but the new reality in our present world is that Social Media is the greatest platform to create business
Tag: Blogs By Neel Preet
Ways To Boost Your Books At Local Level Using Social Media
If you are an author then many a times thoughts of having name & fame in your local community would have struck your mind, well
The Need For India To Become ‘100% Atmanirbhar’ In The Defence Sector
With an aspiring aim of creating an ‘Atmanirbhar’ Defence Sector, India certainly has achieved a lot in the past few years, especially since the year
An Overview Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence is a brilliant phenomenon and undoubtedly a boon to the humankind, however this boon can turn easily into a curse too if its
Necessity Of Hiring A Professional Editor For Thesis Editing
Often times we have noticed that the students, who are pursuing their doctorate experiences several challenges that too on several levels when it comes to
Which Is A Better Choice For The Youths – Bikes or Books?
Even from the historic times, the youths all around the world have always been looking up to some kind of adventures. A century ago, it
How Goodreads Helps Authors In Connecting With Readers
Over the time, many book enthusiasts had often talked about the benefits of Goodreads, well that is good however still many of us who are
How To Choose A Topic For Your Dissertation
While, choosing a topic for something as serious as a Dissertation, the first thing that you must make sure is that your research should go as
Why Censorship Is Needed For Contents Streaming Online
We need to understand that in the name of creative freedom to the ‘Content Creators’ we cannot allow potential damaging or commonly unacceptable content on
How Political Freebies Are Bankrupting India
Let me begin by asking a few pinching questions, why are we so greedy? Why are we so lazy and why can’t we make efforts