Zodiac signs have been the defining features of many people’s lives for a long time. On the basis of it, the predict a person, their traits and try to conjecture their overall personality. While in earlier days, books were written from the viewpoint of studying these signs, Shaheen Kazi, after her debut novel, “Age.. Was Just a Number,” her the consecutive poetry work, “Cupid’s Arrow” and her children’s book “Baabubrown and His School Holidays: Volume 1” comes with her new book, “Stars in You and Me.” The book is about zodiac signs and their personality traits. The author has researched very well about all the zodiac signs and then has written the book.
“Stars in You and Me” is both a unique and fascinating work that catches the readers’ attention just by the blurb. As she tells in her introduction that she is not an astrologer and her only purpose of studying signs is to study people, it becomes quite clear how she would be presenting an insightful analysis of human personality. Thereafter, when the readers read the poetry she has written in the light of this, her poems become a testimony of that. While it is notable how she constructs her observations around the sun sign and also links the characteristics to the personality, the tone she maintains throughout her poetry is light and positive. Since most of the poetry is in first person, the readers connect with the poems instantly and start tracing the characteristics in themselves. In the midst of this, they would also find the poems rhythmic and through the eyes of both men and women. These are the combined factors that would not only make the readers want to read the poetry Kazi writes but also suggest it to their friends and family.
Before presenting her poems, the author writes about the zodiac sign in general and then about the personality of a man and a woman of that zodiac sign in a poetic sense. Since a personality is a balance of positive and negative aspects, the poet creates a balance of the two and does not let her poems incline towards one side in particular. Even the negative traits of the zodiac sign have been written with grace. The readers would enjoy reading the book as the author has shared insights about different personality traits, which baffle the readers and also help in enhancing their understanding of human personality.
“Stars in You and Me” is written in a vibrant language which makes it a bit more worthy of being read. At the same time, the book has a different touch due to its gripping writing style. It can be of good help to someone who likes to understand the diverse personalities that exist in this world on the basis of knowledge of the zodiacs. The book is spiritual and psychological, both at the same time as the author has written about zodiac signs through different perspectives. While she has shared insights about different shades of all zodiac signs, she also helps them relate to them and trace the features in themselves and the people they know. As the book is about zodiac signs, each and every individual would relate to the book.
After her 3 books, each exploring content that is distinct from the other, the author Shaheen Kazi displays her poetic skills in a whole new light and also a different side to her artistic abilities, which are shown through both her prose and poetry skills. The common thing that the readers would notice among them would be the depiction of human personality and how lives are impacted by it. Altogether, every book explores a different universe and gives diversity to the work flowing through Kazi’s pen. The readers who have already been reading Kazi’s earlier works would not want to miss “Stars in You and Me” not just because of its subject but also because of the uniqueness of the content it shares and the world in which it takes the readers. The book has been published by Evincepub Publishing, a leader in self publishing companies in India. The world of the zodiac signs may or may not be of interest for many, but Kazi’s grace and poise in handling the subject would undoubtedly catch their fancy.