Shreya Talwar Talks About Her Latest Novel Beyond Royalty

Shreya Talwar Talks About Her Latest Novel Beyond Royalty

Shreya Talwar, an author who has two books to her credit – ‘The Hidden Gems’ and ‘Weaving Emotions.’ After her stint as a corporate professional, she took to the field of creativity. Writing was always her passion and she strongly believes that words can create magic and make a difference. It’s this belief that propelled her to turn her passion into a profession. Every flight of imagination has an inspiration and Shreya’s inspiration is her mother who is not only her mentor, but also her strength. Her Army background acted as an added feather to display an array of her writing skills and deep insight into humanity. She wishes that she is able to bring to light the priceless treasures which remain an enigma to one and all.

Her writing style has been spoken about and appreciated at various prestigious platforms including the ANI and Zee5 news. Her articles have also been published as a part of esteemed magazines.

Shreya is a pen name that she is now using for all her publications, however, she had begun her literary journey by her name Ms. Aman Talwar.

An Interview with Shreya Talwar

Soudia Parveen: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “Beyond Royalty.” How has the response to the book been so far?

Shreya Talwar: Thank you. The response that the novel has got in such a short time has left me overwhelmed. All the people who have read the novel till now, are unanimously appreciating the story and they are being able to relate to the characters in the novel.

Soudia Parveen: What led to the idea of writing “Beyond Royalty”? Were there any events that inspired the work?

Shreya Talwar: I have always loved reading romantic novels, but writing my own was definitely something that did not dawn upon me and that is why I had begun my writing journey with non-fiction books. But, as I have always said that my mother is the driving force who is able to recognize and unearth my talent, which at times even I am oblivious to. So, she felt that I could write a novel and motivated me to give it a try and once I began writing, the thoughts just kept flowing in and I was able to craft this story.

Soudia Parveen: What are your views about present-day writing? Do you think it does complete justice in depicting human nature in the light of “Beyond Royalty”?

Shreya Talwar: The writing style has surely evolved over the period of time. I feel many of the writers nowadays not only focus on topics concerning the society as a whole, but also come up with stories which surround an individual’s emotional journey and touch the heart. In fact, I have also tried to attempt through my novel that the magic of love be rediscovered, and everyone continues to believe that love and emotional bonding play a pivotal role in everyone’s lives.

Soudia Parveen: “Beyond Royalty” shows the uniqueness of your style of writing. Are there any authors that you enjoy reading or any books which are your favorites?

Shreya Talwar: I have always been fond of reading romantic novels that have a strong emotional connect. Jane Austen being one of the authors whose writing style I admire, and her book ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is one of my favourite.

Soudia Parveen: How would you categorize “Beyond Royalty” as its appeal seems to be to a broad audience?

Shreya Talwar: Fiction books are a category which everyone enjoys reading. ‘Beyond Royalty’ though being a fictional story has a strong relatability factor to it. Each character has a distinct personality and unique characteristics. The readers would be able to identify with their journey and feel the emotions of the characters as their own.

Soudia Parveen: “Beyond Royalty” has given a powerful introduction to your potential as a writer. Can the readers expect more from you in the future? Please share about your future projects.

Shreya Talwar: Thank you for the appreciation. I really enjoy the process of writing a book and it gives me immense happiness if the readers are able to connect with it. So, yes, I plan to continue writing more books hopefully in the fictional sphere and alongside that keep sharing my thoughts in between through my articles to maintain a connect with my readers.

Soudia Parveen: What is the story behind the title of your work, “Beyond Royalty”?

Shreya Talwar: The title is metaphorically deeply blended and intricately woven in each part of the story. The title resonates with what is depicted in the novel. Without giving away the essence of the story, I can just say that once the readers read the complete novel, they themselves would be able to decipher as to why the novel has been titled as ‘Beyond Royalty.’

Soudia Parveen: In the present time, the ideas in “Beyond Royalty” do not find much mention. What, according to you, could be the possible reason for that?

Shreya Talwar: I feel the thoughts and emotions that the characters sail through in my novel ‘Beyond Royalty’ is something that we all experience. It’s just that in the humdrum of life, we at times lose connect with these sentiments. The line of thinking and emotions described in the novel are deeply ingrained in everyone, its all about rediscovering, reconnecting and prioritizing it in our lives.

Soudia Parveen: If you were to describe your book “Beyond Royalty” in a few words without giving any spoilers, what would those words be?

Shreya Talwar: I would like to say that join Daniel and Katherine as they navigate the treacherous path of romance, challenging the very foundation of fairy tales. This enchanting tale promises to transport you to a world where true love knows no bounds. A novel that will take you on a beautiful romantic voyage through the strong powerful characters. ‘Beyond Royalty’ weaves a tapestry of characters and experiences that will leave you mesmerized and deeply moved. It’s a story crafted to make you rediscover love.

Soudia Parveen: What advice would you give to budding writers who may be planning to write in the same genre as “Beyond Royalty”?

Shreya Talwar: While writing a novel one needs to have belief in the storyline that they are about to craft. Only when one will be completely convinced about how their story and characters are shaping out to be, only then would they be able to make the readers believe in it. Most importantly, the dedication and patience need to be persistent. They will be times when thoughts flow at the blink of an eye and at times, you just don’t find any headway. But you need to be focused and determined to share your story with the world and things will eventually fall into place.

Soudia Parveen: Thank you very much for sparing your time. I look forward to reading more books from you in the future. All the best.

Shreya Talwar: Thank you for giving me this platform to be able to share my thoughts with the readers.

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