“Shree’s Varah” by Sandhya S Borkar is one of the few books that resonates a plot which captures a significant number of years of people’s lives and shows that hope is one thing that can ensure people remain positive and connected. The different characters present in the text show life through their prism and perceive the world through their respective lenses. Abhay drawing back home is a classic example of how people will be connected to their roots even when they have tasted the best success in any part of the world. His coming back in search of his late friend highlights this throughout the text. Other characters like Gopi, Preeti, Raj, and the notorious family of the Sarpanch, where Suraj is more or less the odd man out, also play their respective roles in contributing to the development of the text and ensuring that it remains on track. Apart from this, the once in a decade festivities celebrating the arrival of Shree remain in background and come to add flavour whenever required.

Borkar uses a technique that features describing events like a film and with almost every scene, there is a development of the plot. This is one of the primary features that ensures that the “Shree’s Varah” remains interesting for the readers, and they are unable to put the book down without reaching the climax. While the characters are busy sorting out their matters and fulfilling their responsibilities by performing them with a smile, the presence of Shree ensures that justice is done to every effort and sacrifice of the people, endlessly toiling for some happiness.
The arrival of Shree in the actual world in the text also reinforces the existence of God among people in a world where science repeatedly questions God’s existence. Even though, for once, it may sound like a tinge of religiousness being added to “Shree’s Varah,” but the author ensures that this thought does not crop into the readers’ minds. At the same time, the theory of karma resonates in “Shree’s Varah” by Sandhya S Borkar through the Sarpanch family and shows that even if it may take time but the ones who do wrong will pay their due in this life before their death. The division of the book into 3 sections signifies this idea closely and ensures that the readers draw the parallels in order to understand the book’s relevance in life on the whole.

“Shree’s Varah” by Sandhya S Borkar is a book that has the elements of entertaining, keeping the readers involved while also ensuring that they are not just focused on the moral aspect of the text, which may have made the book a bit uninteresting. True to its title, the author constructs a plot that features all features to keep the readers glued to the text and keep them interested in exploring it further by understanding how the plot unravels. This book is recommended to readers of all ages, irrespective of their being readers of fiction or non-fiction to explore the world of earth where God’s descend from their abode to meet and fulfill the wishes of human beings.