Poetries By Kathlyn Bennet- The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 3

Poetries By Kathlyn Bennet- The Literature Times Magazine Vol 1 Issue 3

About The Author-

This is Kathlyn Bennett from Thrissur, Kerala, India. She is the daughter of Bennett Jose and Sini Bennett of Chalissery house. Her ambition is to become a psychologist. She has got a good passion in writing English poetries and in many other art forms. From the beginning itself, she initiated writings and did her favorite forms of arts with a great respect, support, etc. from her parents, teachers, friends and all her loved ones; which she is always thankful of. She is a good listener, observer, perceiver, thinker in a wide way, etc.; giving her remarkable ideas, thoughts about and the world and her surroundings making her write more and contribute works to various publications since 2020 and attaining awards even before in her school and college.



They always compared…

They compared in between-

Themselves and others!!

They compared who was-

The richest of rich and

Poorest among poor.

They compared the rich and poor!

They looked who was

The bravest and the fool!

But never knew-

They were the foolest among all!

They compared-

“Who was the fairest?

Who was the darkest?”

But never knew-

Their hearts and souls

Were the darkest;

Darker than the moonless night sky!

They compared and judged all-

In name of caste, religion, and language

Because they forgot-

The religion of love,

The language of love!

But they never compared a matter-

Of the six feet of fate!



The bright morning

Waited with dark clouds for me;

In the call for me

From ICU saying:

“Come quick it’s an emergency!”

Quickly went there.

Met my mother in ICU.

Later, waiting outside

Mourning’s came from another side

Smelling a death

Of someone unknown to me.

My soul was sad for-

Mom and the unknown.

Later, came a body-

Covered with white sheet.

Someone near me moved

The white cloth

From the corpse’s face;

Covering my face-

With paleness and tears;

Of heart break, and sorrow

In the mist of shock,

With shattered voice.

The vision stunned me;

Too deep for me

To see the face of-

My childhood friend

Under the white piece of cloth.

My heart broke out all together

For my mom and

Knowing the unknown corpse that;

‘when it was she.’

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