Kauleshwar Prasad Chaudhary, a renowned Hindi poet, was born into a farming family in the village of Ginjas Kasba, Bihar state, on January 1, 1945. Despite facing numerous challenges, he never let his circumstances dictate his future. His parents, both illiterate, recognized the importance of education and ensured that Kauleshwar received formal education. After completing his matriculation exam in 1962, he pursued higher studies at Shri Raghubar Prasad Singh College.
Although he was interested in poetry and drama from a young age, it was during his college days that he realized his passion for writing. While working in the field, he would often jot down lines of poetry that he composed in his mind. A local college student discovered some of his scattered compositions and began grouping them together. This led to the birth of “Spandan” and several other compositions.
“Spandan” is a collection of Hindi poems that reflects the intricacy and breadth of the human experience through the medium of poetry. It is an excellent example of Kauleshwar’s lyrical genius, which is reflected in every line of the poem. His use of vivid and evocative language brings to life the human condition with all of its joys, tragedies, and aspirations. “Spandan” has won critical acclaim for its sensitivity and depth, making it a remarkable work of art.
In 1965, Kauleshwar moved to Moradabad in the Shivsagar district of Assam, where he began teaching Hindi to local children. At that time, there were no Hindi schools within a radius of 25 km. With the support of local businessman Mathura Prasad Sah and the PWD Minister of Assam, Durgeshwar Saikia, he was able to establish a school on 3 acres of land in the city.
The book “Spandan” is now available for purchase in Amazon, Flipkart & Astitva Store.