Interview with Sankarshan Das Author of the book “The Divine Love Memoir”

Interview with Sankarshan Das Author of the book “The Divine Love Memoir”

About the Author Sankarshan Das

Sankarshan Das is a bona fide spiritual master in the Brahma-Madhva Gaudiya disciplic succession who has been practicing and teaching the science of divine love consciousness (Krishna consciousness) for over half a century. He has students and disciples on every continent, with over 30,000 people enrolled in his online training program. He regularly travels and lectures in many parts of the world to audiences who greatly appreciate and benefit from his instructions. On the order of his spiritual master, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, his mission is to deliver the world from chaos by ushering in a golden era of divine love consciousness (Krishna consciousness) for the re-spiritualization of the entire human society.


The Rise Insight: Your memoir highlights your journey from a seeker of truth in the 1960s counterculture to finding divine love through the Hare Krishna movement. What was the turning point that led you to fully embrace Krishna consciousness?

Sankarshan Das: I read in the Bible where Lord Jesus, who I understood to be perfectly self-realized soul, says, “Father, not my will, but Thy will be done.” I then understood that spiritual perfection was to fully surrender myself to the will of God. So then I started praying every day, “Dear God, please guide me how I can become your perfect servant.”  Lord Sri Krishna heard my prayer and thus sent Srila Prabhupada’s disciple, His Holiness Vishnu Jana Swami, to Austin to teach me the art of surrendering to Krishna. By following his expert training I fully embraced Krishna consciousness as my life and soul,

The Rise Insight: In The Divine Love Memoir, you describe the transformative power of chanting, studying sacred texts, and serving with love and devotion. How did these practices specifically shape your path toward self-realization and spiritual fulfillment?

Just like a house is built on a foundation, these things are very foundation of spiritual life.

The Rise Insight: You recount a profound moment at the ISKCON Los Angeles temple where you received special mercy from Srila Prabhupada. Can you elaborate on how this experience influenced your spiritual journey and deepened your connection to divine love?

Sankarshan Das: I understood that I am not just a number in his thousands of disciples.  I am understood that I am Srila Prabhupada’s dear son.  I understood that he cares about and loves me as his dear spiritual son.

The Rise Insight: At what point in your life did you feel most connected to God? What steps would you take now to deepen your spiritual growth?

Sankarshan Das: I am most connected to God right now. On the path of Krishna bhakti every moment is the dearmost moment of deepening and perfecting one’s loving relationship with Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The Rise Insight: Your memoir touches on the role of music in spreading Krishna consciousness. How did your musical background influence your spiritual practice, and how do you see music as a tool for sharing the message of divine love?

Sankarshan Das: I love the ecstasy of singing beautifully with love to please Lord Krishna and also playing musical instruments expertly to please Lord Krishna. Music is very attractive.  Vishnu Jana Swami melted my heart with his beautifully singing with love to please Lord Krishna.

The Rise Insight: In the book, you reflect on the existential challenges you faced as a young college student, including feelings of disillusionment and a lack of purpose. How did these struggles ultimately lead you to a life of devotion and spiritual clarity?

Sankarshan Das: They brought me to reject this nonsensical material civilization and strive to be part of a new spiritual civilization that could transform our troubled planet into a spiritual paradise.

The Rise Insight: The book concludes with an invitation for readers to explore their own spiritual journeys through a free e-book. What advice would you give to someone just beginning their search for meaning and spiritual awakening?

Sankarshan Das: Sign up for my free e-course at I will guide you how to attain the unlimited happiness of awakening pure love of God within your hear.

The Rise Insight: How can we inspire and engage young people to explore and embrace spiritual knowledge in today’s world?

Sankarshan Das: Inform them that today’s greatly troubled world is a perverted reflection of the perfect world that is right now sleeping within their hearts inviting them to come in.

Hare Krishna.

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