I was searching her in outer where,
In all temples and possible place I was aware,
But I couldn’t find the sense of her in any single where,
Under the sky, upon the earth,
I was thinking desperately that where I should go to find her,
I asked everyone and roam everywhere,
but I never got the fulfilling answer,
Although I witnessed the divinism many where,
But I don’t know why I always felt like those were incomplete and were not having her,
I reached to the world of books also searched in the woods of senses,
In talks, beliefs and suggestions,
In all kind of rituals and principles,
I found shades of creation but still not her,
I was about to quit but couldn’t as I was so desperate to meet her,
I cried out all my quest but still couldn’t quench my restless thirst,
I again started my journey to find her,
I was not willing to give up this time and I was not going to stop either,
Then I heard in the chaos of world a hypnotic whisper,
I followed the voice but I don’t know where I reached also I can’t trace the map of time either,
I turned back and found myself showered in light and it was peacefully pleasant,
I saw her, I finally saw her!
I was shouting crazily that I finally found her,
But I lost my voice in amaze when I noticed her looking very familiar,
I collected all my consiciousness and noticed that it was the mirror,
What I was seeing was my own reflection but so divine and brighter,
I couldn’t afford it so I lost my senses,
I was not really awake but I was able to sense my fear,
That may be I will not be able to get back to liveliness ever,
But I again heard the same whisper,
It was now quite loud and clearly audible,
It said,”Don’t be scared! Don’t try to define it in language just respect the fact..”
“That you human have all the power within Yourself”,
“You need to remind it to yourself and to others,
That they need to go inside and seek themselves”,
“They all came here as the creators!”
“The God! they seek everywhere,
lives awake and alive within themselves.
So stop thinking otherwise just accept Yourself as her.”