How to publish a book on Amazon?

How to publish a book on Amazon?

Have you written a book? Are you thinking to how to publish it? If yes, then this is the article for you.

Writing a book is a labour of love. It requires honing your craft of writing which is not easy. If you

think writing a book is difficult, publishing it is enormous. Today, there are two ways to publish your

book; traditional and self- publishing. If you choose to opt for traditional publishing, the path is time

taking and tedious with no guarantee that your book will be published. In self- publishing, you have

full control over publishing your book however, it comes with a cost. Sometimes, the cost of

publishing a book may not break even your profits.

The good news is there is a third option too. You can publish your book on Amazon. The process is

hassle free and publishing on Amazon is absolutely free. Once you publish your book, Amazon will

charge a small amount on the royalties. The process is simple; you have to open a KDP account on

amazon. KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing Account on Amazon. Once the account is open you

can select the book cover or upload a cover, upload the text and click publish. It is an easy eight step


Create an a KDP account

Add a new Kindle eBook

Set your primary language

Enter your book’s title and subtitle

Add your Author name

Add your book description

Verify your publishing rights

Add your keywords

Adding keywords are important as it increase your book’s chances in appearing on search engines.

Writing book description is essential. Book description is like a sales pitch of your book to your

readers. Amazon allows up to 4000 characters to describe your book. To verify your publishing right

you have to simply click on the option which says that I have the copyright of this content. It may

take a day for the book to show on the amazon site.

So, if you are not clear how to publish your book, try Amazon KDP. It’s easy, simple and cost friendly.

– By Uma Sharma

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