Designed and Destined for Greatness: Book Review

Designed and Destined for Greatness: Book Review

The author Johly Beicchualai has done a wonderful job with writing this book. Having been written in a simple language which is meant to convey strong and useful optimistic messages to all its readers, including beginners, ‘Designed and Destined for Greatness’ published by Evincepub Publishing has come out to be a masterpiece.

This book has been described as the story of the man who wrote this book. And it will definitely lead the readers to greatness of they follow his secrets, ways, means, tools, and lessons that he had learned the hard way instead. It is the story of a man who could laugh and smile even when adversities and grief haunted him. This inspiring persona was undefeated by poverty, wealth, fame, misfortunes, money, and power. Once upon a time, he used to live in luxuries, falling down almost to the extent of losing everything he possessed, including his reputation. After having a nervous breakdown, he had lost his consciousness and faced a blankness, emptiness in his head. He had lost his sleep for nearly five months. One day he found-out the secret to a new life. He had found Jesus Christ and from that day onwards, he became a new person and slowly he began to lead a new life.

According to the author, the first step and the most important thing in life to achieve greatness is finding one’s true self. Undeniably, all of us have dreams and desires. Everyone has a desire to be great, do something so that the world will remember us and to reach the peak of our career. Hardly anyone would desire to be mediocre. He quotes Mahatma Gandhi, “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world, but in being able to remake ourselves.”

In this book, the author has thrown light upon some crucial questions like, ‘Why did God create us?’ He says that some people also wonder, ‘Why did God create us when he already knew that we were going to sin?’

A couple of other questions being

‘How did God create us?’ and

‘Why did God take all these troubles to create us?’

The readers are meant to get motivated with profound messages in the book, like the one that follows:

“You were not small! You were God’s greatest creation, a masterpiece, a class in itself. You were created very special. You were magnificent. You were God’s greatest focus of his love. You were a miracle. Your creation is one of the greatest success stories in the history of creation. All other things in the world were just the by-products of your thinking and actions. You were meant to be great because you were created by the greatest of greatest, in greatness, and for greatness.”

Numerous powerful quotes also have been mentioned in the book, like –

“Doing what needs to be done may not make you happy, but it will make you great.” —George Bernard Shaw

The author also talks about changing oneself and how it requires a complete transformation of the heart. He brings to our notice how a new heart is welcoming to various new learnings in life. How a new heart beholds beauty in everything and everyone it comes across. He says a new heart appreciates the beauty of life and is optimistic in everything it does. As he walks on every day, new experiences give him a sense of purpose in life.

Mesmerizingly, the author has dedicated a complete chapter to the power of words and has even described how words, basically, came into existence and how artistically they control our lives.

Equally beautifully, he has managed to make us peep into ourselves and analyse own weaknesses and strengths. In this context, he says, ‘Our weakness, when closely examined and studied analytically, were often the unknown fountain of our greatest strength.’ How motivating! What if all of us start working towards turning our weaknesses into strengths and contribute our bit in making this world a better place.

Last not yet least, the author talks about self-management and puts forward the notion that it is one of the most rewarding management concepts, while time management is a misconception. No-one can manage time. It is time that changes everything, and nobody in the world can change the concept of time. The only thing we can do is change ourselves when our activities come in contact with time.

All in all, the book itself has turned-out to be great and is sure to lead its readers towards greatness.

TitleDesigned and Destined for Greatness
AuthorJohly Beicchualai
PublisherEvincepub Publishing
Reviewed ByNeha Sharma, The Literature Times
Order BookAmazon Link

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