Book Review of Kinkini’s Adventure With Kanmani The Hen

Book Review of Kinkini’s Adventure With Kanmani The Hen

This delightful juvenile fiction title, “Kinkini’s Adventure With Lassie” by Author Kinkini is a picture storybook too, just like author’s another title, ‘Kinkini’s Adventure With Kanmani The Hen’belonging to the series – Kinkini’s Adventure Books. Once again, the author has presented the young readers with a beautifully written adventurous story. This title is actually the first book of the series, ‘Kinkini’s Adventure Books’ where the author presents a fun loving & interactive tale for the children in a very noteworthy & distinctive manner. Well, just like the other book of the series, this book too is bound to amaze you with its extraordinary and marvellous illustrations along with a lovely fictional tale for the children!

Author’s Background: Author Kinkini’s juvenile fictional picture storybook ‘Kinkini’s Adventure With Lassie’ got published by Evincepub Publishing in the year 2022. Her book got released worldwide and is available in both paperback as well as in e-book format and the readers can find her book on amazon. This title belongs to the series – Kinkin’s Adventure Books, which also includes author’s another work, ‘Kinkini’s Adventure With Kanmani The Hen!’

About the Book: This book, “Kinkini’s Adventure With Lassie” by author Kinkini comes under the category of “Juvenile Fiction!” This title is the first book of the series ‘Kinkini’s Adventure Books’ and presents a collection of short stories for the young readers with outstanding colour filled illustrations in the background of the book’s pages. In this title,the Author has introduced the readers with Lassie, a clever, strong and a loveable dog, who happens to be Kinkini’s first pet. Moreover, Lassie also plays the role of the primary character in this picture storybook.

The book further describes the activities of Lassie that how she enjoys cuddles, bath, long walks and the games that Kinkini can think of. Lassie lives with the family for her whole life, enjoying her motherhood, several moves from the beautiful from the beautiful island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) to the Indian mainland. Lassie would be chasing away burglars and snakes, sleeping on Kinkini’s bed and obeying Mum’s every instructions of sit & jump. Once again, the author in this book of her series portrays the unconditional love for the pets!

Book Title: The title Kinkini’s Adventure With Lassie” for this children’s action & adventure picture storybook, is certainly an appropriate one with reference to the collection of chapters added in this book by the Author. Moreover, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very heart-warming as well as an interesting vibe. Therefore, as a reader you would feel the urge to go inside the chapters and find out the beautiful story presented by the Author.

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much “Justified” with regards to the reading worthy storyline present in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt Book Title for this novel & the Author had been extremely wise to go for this title!

Book Cover: Moreover, if we look towards the Book Cover then undoubtedly one can say that the cover is indeed alluring and creating a very creative impression towards the work of the Author. The book cover is making this Juvenile Fictional Novel, look even more interesting and is indeed creating a very mesmerizing effect upon the readers.

Book’s Illustrations: The uniqueness of this book lays in the illustrations, which are present inside the book. At the beginning of each chapter in this book, the readers will find colourful illustrations, giving a perfect theme to the stories inside the book. The manner, in which these illustrations are present all over the book, simply reflects the out of the box idea, which the Author had for her book.

Undoubtedly, the illustrations in this book are ‘Praise Worthy’ and something so incredible that the whole book is now seen with a creative vision!

Book’s Verdict: A book like “Kinkini’s Adventure With Lassie” is for sure a MUST READ one& deserves a chance by the readers. Through these light-headed and fun-filled chapters in this title, the author intends to show the young readers that how huge role a pet can play in our lives. The unconditional love for the pets is brilliantly portrayed too, making the author’s work incredible. Her work in this volume has been praise worthy, as she has succeeded in making a perfect fit for the children.

Author, Kinkini is a promising author and her creativity is truly reflecting with this fun filled book series of hers. In addition, her honest and hard work makes this book many times more Reading Worthy!

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