Author Priyanshu Goyal Talks about His Latest Book “Just Another Myth”

Author Priyanshu Goyal Talks about His Latest Book “Just Another Myth”

Akhila Saroha: Firstly, congratulations on the publication of your book, “Just Another Myth.” How has the reception been so far?

Priyanshu Goyal: Thank you so much! The reception of “Just Another Myth” has been absolutely overwhelming. I feel truly blessed and grateful for the readers’ support and positive feedback. It’s been an incredible journey to see my work connecting with people on various levels. Many readers have appreciated the blend of fantasy and realism in the story, and they’ve particularly enjoyed the well-developed characters and the unexpected plot twists. It’s truly humbling to know that my book has resonated with so many readers, and I’m thrilled to have been able to share this mythical adventure with them.

Akhila Saroha: What inspired you to write “Just Another Myth”? Were there any specific events that influenced the creation of this work?

Priyanshu Goyal: The inspiration behind “Just Another Myth” came from a combination of my love for mythology, folklore, and the power of storytelling. As a child, I was fascinated by ancient myths and legends from various cultures, and I always found myself drawn to the captivating worlds they presented. Over the years, this fascination evolved, and I began to explore how these myths often contain universal themes and timeless messages.

As I delved deeper into writing, I wanted to create a narrative that not only paid homage to these ancient tales but also offered a fresh perspective on them. The idea of weaving a modern-day adventure with elements of mythology emerged as I contemplated the relevance of these myths in our contemporary world.

In essence, “Just Another Myth” was born out of my passion for mythology, my belief in the enduring power of storytelling, and the desire to craft a unique narrative that would resonate with readers across cultures and generations.

Akhila Saroha: When it comes to placing events within “Just Another Myth” and ensuring its accessibility to readers, how challenging was that decision for you?

Priyanshu Goyal: Placing events within “Just Another Myth” and ensuring its accessibility to readers was indeed a challenging decision. As an author, I wanted to strike a delicate balance between honoring the richness of mythology and making the story relatable and engaging for a contemporary audience.

One of the main challenges was avoiding an overwhelming amount of mythological references that might alienate readers unfamiliar with those tales. I aimed to integrate the mythical elements seamlessly into the narrative, providing enough context and explanation to make them accessible to all readers without bogging down the plot.

To address these challenges, I conducted extensive research on various mythologies to draw inspiration while staying true to the essence of the original tales. I sought feedback from beta readers from diverse backgrounds to gauge how accessible the story was to a wide range of audiences. Their insights and suggestions were invaluable in refining the narrative.

Ultimately, my goal was to create a story that could be enjoyed by both mythology enthusiasts and readers new to the genre. By weaving a compelling narrative with relatable characters and timeless themes, I aimed to make “Just Another Myth” an immersive and accessible experience for everyone.

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Akhila Saroha: What are your thoughts on contemporary writing? In the context of “Just Another Myth,” do you believe it accurately captures human nature?

Priyanshu Goyal: Contemporary writing is a vibrant and dynamic landscape that reflects the ever-changing world we live in. It encompasses a wide range of styles, genres, and perspectives, offering readers diverse and thought-provoking stories. As an author, I find contemporary writing to be an exciting opportunity to explore relevant themes and reflect the complexities of human nature in the modern era.

Regarding “Just Another Myth,” I believe that contemporary writing allowed me to infuse the story with themes and issues that resonate with readers today. While the book draws inspiration from ancient myths, its setting in the present day provided a unique platform to explore how these timeless tales can still hold significance in our lives.

Human nature is a central aspect of any engaging story, and “Just Another Myth” seeks to accurately capture the essence of it. Through the characters’ experiences, dilemmas, and growth, I aimed to delve into universal aspects of human nature, such as courage, love, betrayal, and the desire for purpose and self-discovery.

Moreover, the challenges and conflicts faced by the characters in the book mirror some of the contemporary struggles we encounter in our own lives. By blending mythical elements with real-world scenarios, the story explores the complexity of human nature and the choices we make when faced with adversity.

In essence, “Just Another Myth” endeavors to capture both the timeless aspects of human nature found in ancient myths and the modern complexities of our contemporary world. Through this blend, I hope to engage readers in a captivating narrative that encourages reflection and offers insights into the human condition.

Akhila Saroha: “Just Another Myth” showcases your unique writing style. Are there any authors you enjoy reading or books that hold a special place in your heart?

Priyanshu Goyal: Indeed, I’m an avid reader myself, and there are several authors whose works I truly enjoy and hold a special place in my heart. Paulo Coelho is one such author; his books have a way of inspiring and connecting with readers on a deep, philosophical level. His blend of spirituality and storytelling is truly captivating.

Haruki Murakami is another favorite of mine. His surreal and thought-provoking narratives, often infused with magical realism, have a unique charm that keeps me hooked from the first page to the last.

And of course, Agatha Christie’s masterful mysteries have had a significant impact on my love for the genre. Her clever plots and intriguing characters always manage to keep me engrossed in the world of crime-solving.

As an author, I find inspiration from these literary giants, and their works have undoubtedly shaped my own writing journey.

Akhila Saroha: How would you classify the audience appeal of “Just Another Myth”? Does it have a broad reach?

Priyanshu Goyal: “Just Another Myth” appears to have a niche audience appeal rather than a broad reach. The title suggests it may belong to a specific genre or theme, likely catering to fans of mythology, fantasy, or folklore. While such focused content can attract dedicated followers, it might not resonate as widely with the general public compared to more mainstream genres. However, the niche audience can still be passionate and engaged. To ascertain the true extent of its appeal, additional information like reviews, ratings, and audience demographics would be necessary. Nevertheless, it’s important to remember that niche works can develop dedicated communities, fostering a strong and loyal fan base.

Akhila Saroha: “Just Another Myth” has introduced your potential as a writer quite powerfully. Can readers expect more from you in the future? Could you share any insights about your upcoming projects?

Priyanshu Goyal: Yes, I have been diligently working on a project for the past few years. This book will serve as a memoir of my life, addressing the profound questions posed by life itself. The introduction to this book can already be found in “Just Another Myth,” featuring the story titled “Medusa.”

Akhila Saroha: What inspired the choice of the title “Just Another Myth” for your work?

Priyanshu Goyal: In “Just Another Myth,” I wanted to explore the notion that myths are not merely ancient tales but are continuously being woven into our lives. They manifest in various forms, from age-old legends to contemporary urban legends, shaping our beliefs, fears, and dreams.

Moreover, the title signifies a narrative tone that seeks to challenge the conventional perceptions of myths. It beckons readers to question whether the stories they encounter are indeed just fantastical fables or if there is more profound meaning hidden within them.

Additionally, the title holds a certain duality, implying that the work might present itself as just another myth at first glance but will gradually reveal its deeper layers, exposing the delicate threads that connect mythology with the human experience.

Akhila Saroha: Among various writing styles, what led you to adopt prose as the form for “Just Another Myth”?

Priyanshu Goyal: The decision to adopt prose for “Just Another Myth” was driven by its narrative flexibility, allowing smooth flow and in-depth character development. Prose provided the canvas to blend mythology, fantasy, and contemporary themes seamlessly. Its accessibility ensured a broader appeal to diverse readers, while expressive language enriched the storytelling experience. The genre’s versatility allowed for the exploration of mythical worlds with vivid imagery. In essence, prose offered the ideal medium to present an enchanting and thought-provoking contemporary fantasy that resonates with a wide audience.

Akhila Saroha: In today’s time, the ideas presented in “Just Another Myth” may not be widely discussed. In your opinion, what could be the possible reasons for that?

Priyanshu Goyal: In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, the ideas presented in “Just Another Myth” may not be widely discussed due to shifting cultural priorities and changing social norms. Modern societies often prioritize contemporary issues, and the focus on evidence-based narratives might overshadow the significance of ancient myths and their relevance. The fragmented media landscape and the preference for realism could also contribute to a decreased prominence of discussions around mythical themes. Additionally, with globalization and cultural homogenization, there might be a blending of traditions, diluting the distinctness of individual mythologies. However, while mainstream discussions may fluctuate, the enduring wisdom and timeless themes of myths continue to resonate with individuals and niche communities, preserving their significance in more specialized circles.

Akhila Saroha: If you had to describe “Just Another Myth” in a few words without revealing any spoilers, how would you characterize it?

Priyanshu Goyal: “Just Another Myth” is an enchanting and thought-provoking contemporary book that masterfully weaves mythologies into real life, creating a mesmerizing connection with the reader. I firmly believe that every myth we encounter somehow resonates with our own lives. They are like mystical beings, standing before us, peering into our souls through ancient eyes. Often, we choose to ignore their gaze, but this book will compel you to take a closer look.

 Akhila Saroha: What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are interested in exploring the same genre as “Just Another Myth”?

Priyanshu Goyal: Aspiring writers exploring contemporary fantasy, like “Just Another Myth,” should embrace their passion for mythology, create a unique mythical world with multi-dimensional characters, balance imagination with realism, explore universal themes, seek feedback, and stay true to their voice. Read widely, persevere, and enjoy the journey.

Akhila Saroha: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. I eagerly anticipate reading more of your books in the future. Best wishes.

Priyanshu Goyal: You’re welcome! It was a pleasure to share my thoughts with you. Thank you for your kind words and anticipation. I look forward to bringing more stories to life in the future. Best wishes to you as well, and happy reading!

About Author:

“I’m Priyanshu Goyal, a writer hailing from the enchanting city of Gwalior, situated in the heart of Madhya Pradesh, India. Growing up, I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a loving family that nurtured my creative passions. My father, a successful businessman, ignited the spark of writing within me with a published article, and I’ve been exploring various forms of writing ever since.

From a young age, I was captivated by the art of storytelling, and my love for writing eventually led me to discover a deep passion for poetry in 2016. I shared my heartwarming and soul-stirring pieces at Open Mic events, where I received immense praise and recognition, which encouraged me to write my first major work, “Kaum mera Ishq.” This piece marked a turning point in my career as a writer, fueling my desire to continue creating powerful and emotive pieces.

In 2020, I reached another significant milestone in my writing career with the publication of my first book, “Khilaaf.” This collection of poetry showcases my unique style and voice, exploring themes of love, loss, and the complexities of human emotions.

In 2023, I proudly published my second book, “Waaqif,” another stunning collection of my poetry that has already received glowing reviews and critical acclaim. My works are a reflection of my experiences, my emotions, and my journey through life, and I am thrilled to share them with the world.

Aside from my writing, I am also an avid lover of folklore and mythology. I find inspiration in Greek, Norse, Japanese, and Indian mythologies, using their stories and characters as a foundation for my own creations. Moreover, I am a devoted book lover, particularly drawn to the psychological thriller genre, which has undoubtedly influenced my writing style.

Through my writing and storytelling, I aim to create an emotional connection with my readers, and I hope to continue to inspire and captivate audiences with my unique and powerful voice.”

Book Title: Just Another Myth

Author: Priyanshu Goyal

Review: Read Book Review

Order Book: Amazon

Publisher: Astitva Prakashan, 2023

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