Author J.P. Desai Talks About His Book “The Blossoming Lotus”

Author J.P. Desai Talks About His Book “The Blossoming Lotus”

About The Author: Born and brought up in the remote village of Maharashtra in India where the poet passed his primary school while working as cowboy, supporting in the field. He struggled hard, suffered a lot working and studying from S.S.C. to graduation, post-graduation. He kept changing jobs from child labour to the clerk, finally settled, made personal and family development as a secondary school teacher. He earned additional income teaching English in the tuitions classes. He successfully taught English as a subject for 35 years. He has been reading English literatures throughout the life, but didn’t get time enough to think and write anything. His novel “Thank you Dad” was published after the retirement based on educational experience. The extensive travelling enriched the overall knowledge. Presently He is publishing the poetry collection “The Blossoming Lotus”

Evincepb Publishing: Welcome to Evincepb Publishing, author. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book.

Author:  Let me first thank you very much for an excellent perfect, appropriate review of The Blossoming Lotus’. Similar reviews have been appearing here also. The readers’ positive response is overwhelming. All the poems in ‘The Blossoming Lotus” has been already published on an online app. Within just one year over 28 thousand readers have read the poems. This response is awesome. Thousands of known people cheered the release of the book.

Evincepb Publishing: What encourages you to become an Author?

Author:  Reading habit right from the childhood made the literature, study up to M.A., taught English for 35 years, involved in family development for fitty years; didn’t write, only constant reading. Found solace in writing English poems after the sordid death blow of wife confirming poet P.B. Shelly saying,” Our sweetest songs are those that tell us of saddest thought”

Evincepb Publishing: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.

Author:  I have fortunately, timely found the poetry as an ideal medium to express my aged long supressed, lingering, vivid thoughts, emotions and experiences.

Evincepb Publishing: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!

Author:  I have not been impressed, inspired by any great author, ism or thought, cult though I have been conversant with local, national and International Literature. I have read major landmarks.

Evincepb Publishing: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know the story behind it.

Author:  Kamal means Lotus, the name of my late wife whose maddening death agony has been the cause of the flourishing poetry hence the title ‘The Blossoming Lotus’.

Evincepb Publishing: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.

Author:  My ‘Thank You Dad’ novel was published ten years ago.  The suffocated, supressed, lingering thoughts and emotions for ages found an outburst through variety of poems after the sudden death blow of the wife, appeared on an online app, received thumping response shaped in ‘The Blossoming Lotus’ poetry book.

Evincepb Publishing: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?

Author:  Rober Frost’s poem would rightly reveal my current mind-set,

  “Woods are lovely dark and deep

     But I have promises to keep

     Miles to go before I sleep

     Miles to go before I sleep”

Evincepb Publishing: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.

Author:   My ‘Thank You Dad’ novel was published ten years ago.  The suffocated, supressed, lingering thoughts and emotions for ages found an outburst through variety of poems after the sudden death blow of the wife, appeared on an online app, received thumping response shaped in ‘The Blossoming Lotus’ poetry book. As of now I do not have a concrete projects coming in future, but I have many ideas and stories getting conceived in my mind.

Evincepb Publishing: How you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?

Author:  Hyperreality, unreliable narrative, numerous protagonists, and other post-modern features can be found in 21st-century and current literature. While the writings from the late twentieth century were going through a change from the cutting edge, unified, individual, test way of thinking to the postmodern, decentralised way of thinking. Contemporary writers frequently consciously borrow ideas and inspiration from those who came before them.

Evincepb Publishing: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would you like to give to budding authors?

Author: For readers, I would say,  it’s a great fun that you listen, read and watch ideal thoughts even in modern times though they are not practical and you keep following the routine. Glorious days are here again. Enjoy whole heartedly without least bothering the preaching. For budding authors, I would say, it’s not necessary for all to go through any odd, hazardous experiences. Let your heart and brain be spacious enough to accommodate all sorts of events, persons, places.

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