Author Interview with Ankith S. Kumar

The Literature Times: Welcome to The Literature Times, author. Congratulations on the release of
your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with
this book.
It’s been quite an adventure, I must say, from the time I started writing I was getting good
support from my family and friends, and when I revealed the book cover to the public, I was
blessed with a favourable response from all. The readers also shared the same enthusiasm as me
before the book’s release and now I am happy to see that readers have wholeheartedly accepted
my book all over the world. What more can any author ask for?

The Literature Times: What encourages you to become an Author?
This was a dream I had when I was a 15-year-old boy when he first visited a library and
was awe-struck to see so many books beautifully stacked on those bookshelves and there I told
myself that one day I will see a book with my name on it on those shelves. So, after 16 years of
waiting, 9 years of gaining knowledge and wisdom and thousands of hours of writing, I finally was
able to publish this book. I wish to tell the readers that, yes, dreams do come true if you are
willing to work hard for them.

The Literature Times: What are your favourite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your
interest areas in the literature.
My areas of interest are Psychology, Spirituality, Mysticism, Satire and autobiography. I like
to explore the mystic and metaphysical aspects of things. Human beings are my subjects of

The Literature Times: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had
inspired you and whom you follow!
Of course, my favourites are Dan Brown, Sidney Sheldon, Mark Mason, Roopa Pai and
Sudha Murty. I also follow classic writers like Agatha Christie, Sir Auther Conon Doyle, and Edger
Allan Poe.

The Literature Times: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know
the story behind it.
Well, I should take my students and clients who come for therapy to me for that. My 9
years of career as a Therapeutic Counsellor have allowed me to help students and other clients
with their problems and the majority of the problems that the client used to come for counselling
were related to relationships. I found that most people were doing some common mistakes in their
relationships. So I thought why not identify such mistakes and let the world know where they were
going wrong in the relationship? You can consider this as my humble social service. It is always best
to learn from other mistakes.

The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing
Getting an opportunity to speak at the TEDx platform is one of my greatest
achievements. As a writer, this book is my first published work. I do write short stories, poems and
academic research content, but this book is my first achievement as a writer.

The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in

Author: It is always the starting phase that is difficult, once you get the hang of it then it’s just
smooth sailing. I am very much positive about my writing career. The response I am getting for my
first book has given me the required motivation to carry on.

The Literature Times: Are there any other books being worked on by you? Please let us know about
your future projects.
Of course yes, I have two more books planned which will also be non-fiction. One book
will be focusing on teenagers and the other modern workplace
The Literature Times: How do you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see
in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has changed over time?
Author: I feel positive about the future of writing in India. A lot of youths have come up with
brilliant works of literature over the years, and with the advent of the Self-publishing system book
publishing has reached everyone, unlike traditional publishing which is very difficult. If it was not
for Evincepub Publisher I don’t think my book would ever be published

The Literature Times: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would
you like to give to budding authors?
I must say Evincepub Publishers have made the publishing process so smooth and easy for
me that I really can’t believe that publishing a book was so easy. It was like a piece of cake. From
start to end process everything was smooth and surprisingly the whole process was affordable. All
it takes is having the right resources and the right people to help you and the rest will be easy. My
message to budding authors is that start writing. Don’t overthink the process. Just start. Dreams
do come true. If I can do it, you can do it too. It always seems impossible until it’s done

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