An Interview with Author Yashoda Khilwani- A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You

An Interview with Author Yashoda Khilwani- A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You


Akhila Saroha: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You.” How has the response to the book been so far?

Yashoda Khilwani: The response has been good. All the close friends immediately got their copies and Who ever has read the book has found it very engaging.

Akhila Saroha: What led to the idea of writing “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You”? Were there any events that inspired the work?

Yashoda Khilwani: Yes there was an event which specifically drew me to write the book. The guy I was dating last, all of a sudden disappeared and still I didn’t feel like giving up on the thought of finding true love. That’s the stage where I felt my story has to reach people. Apart from just my love life, my achievements have made me this “Dont Give up” personality. The strong person that I have become with what Life has thrown at me, is the side I admire the most of my ownself and is something that I felt should reach people.

Akhila Saroha: How easy or difficult was it for you to decide the placement of poetry in “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You” and keep it simple to understand for the readers?

Yashoda Khilwani: Well to be honest, I just started writing and the script flowed. During the day I would also have my thoughts running and I would take them down in my note pad over phone and elaborate them in my script later. I have narrated only the important events in my life and it was  a bit difficult to curate those events because there was so much to say and convey to my readers. Also to place only select music in my book was a challenge too.But overall I enjoyed writing the book and hope my readers relate and connect with me through my book.

Akhila Saroha: What are your views about present-day writing? Do you think it does complete justice in depicting human nature in the light of “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You”?

Yashoda Khilwani: I have read a few books and they are more on the lines of self help. There are not any auto biographies that I have  read. Every author has their own way of communicating their thoughts. I was inspired by my own reflexes to my life events so much that I was compelled to write. I have a fighters spirit and have tried to convey the same through my book.

Akhila Saroha: “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You” shows the uniqueness of your style of writing. Are there any authors that you enjoy reading or any books which are your favorites?

Yashoda Khilwani: I hope you like my style of writing, as there are also some melodies in my book. Music is so much a part  of my life that it had to be a part of my book as well. The book I enjoyed the most reading is “Do Epic Shit” by Ankur Warikoo. I believe having a simple way to communicate your emotion and keeping it raw appeals me a lot.

Akhila Saroha: How would you categorize “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You” as its appeal seems to be to a broad audience?

Yashoda Khilwani: I would categorise it as a Inspirational read. Like you rightly mentioned there is a broader audience to this book, all age groups would be able to relate to it because at some point of time in life we have all faced challenges and came out of it stronger. We have all been there.

Akhila Saroha: “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You” has given a powerful introduction to your potential as a writer. Can the readers expect more from you in the future? Please share about your future projects.

Yashoda Khilwani: I would continue to surprise you with more writing, if at all you all like my work. If I have touched your heart and if I managed to Inspire you through my work, there will definitely a Part 2 coming soon.

Akhila Saroha: What is the story behind the title of your work, “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You”?

Yashoda Khilwani: Ever since I was a kid, all I was used to was winning. And ever since I have known life I have believed that Love makes miracles. Is where the title to my book comes from.

Akhila Saroha: Of all the modes of writing, what made you come up with the idea of writing in prose form in “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You”?

Yashoda Khilwani: Like I mentioned earlier, I should be able to convey my emotion the way it is, very raw and genuine. Is the reason why my book is written the way it is.

Akhila Saroha: In the present time, the ideas in “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You” do not find much mention. What, according to you, could be the possible reason for that?

Yashoda Khilwani: I would like to differ on this thought. I believe if your readers can relate with you through your book, it would definitely find mention. I would be happy  if there are some lives that have changed because they drew inspiration from me. That’s all that truly matters.

Akhila Saroha: If you were to describe your book “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You” in a few words without giving any spoilers, what would those words be?

Yashoda Khilwani: No matter what the circumstances or where you come from, if you pursue and be consistent; You would get all that your heart desires.

Akhila Saroha: What advice would you give to budding writers who may be planning to write in the same genre as “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You”?

Yashoda Khilwani: Its more like a Life mantra. No matter what you have achieved, Keep your head up and feet grounded and Keep going.

Akhila Saroha: Thank you very much for sparing your time. I look forward to reading more books from you in the future. All the best.

Yashoda Khilwani: Thank you so much for your time too. I look forward to pleasing you with my work. Stay alive, Stay Young. Cheers!

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