Author Bio: Dr. Sakshi Nigam Argal has an MBA and PhD in Management by qualification and over a decade of experience as a Content Specialist and Educator. She is a published editor of the book ‘Spiritual Sutras of Success’ released in 2023. Apart from her keen interest in spiritual writings, she has also written and published many newspaper articles on genres like lifestyle and feminism and conference papers on management. Her ardent interest in Hindu scriptures has driven her towards Vedanta literature and IKS (Indian Knowledge System).
In her continued endeavours in organising and conducting classes on Vedanta and IKS, she has recently started ‘Advaita Satya OM’ – a learning space for seekers of Sanatana Dharma. Being the Founder of Advaita Satya OM, she considers herself a lifelong teacher sharing the divine knowledge of Sanatana Dharma and Hindu culture and tradition in society.
The Literature Times: Author, welcome to The Literature Times. Congratulations on the publication of your book! What feedback do you get from your readers? Please share your thoughts on this book.
Author: Readers of this book feel that in today’s contemporary world, spiritual guidance and an understanding of Hindu culture and tradition are essential for preserving dharmic values in the next generation. In addition to this, parents who enrolled their children in my Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Shloka classes expressed the desire for their kids about Sanatana Dharma and Hindu culture and traditions. They felt that my classes on Gita Dhyana Shlokas can be a great stepping stone to introduce them to Hindu culture and tradition.
The Literature Times: What motivates you to become a writer?
Author: I guess, it’s in my genes. I have acquired writing skills from my parents, who are also writers. Moreover, I had always been good in letter writing and expressing myself during my childhood. And now with my ardent interest in Advaita Vedanta and Sanatana Dharma, as the eternal way of life, the writer in me is even more motivated to express my opinion and viewpoint on the rich tapestry of Indian Knowledge System a.k.a. IKS.
The Literature Times: What are your favourite writing topics? Please tell us a little bit about your literary interests.
Author: Philosophy, Education, Vedanta, Sanatana Dharma, IKS, Feminism, and Vedic Lifestyle are some of my favorite topics. My literary interest lies more in Indian philosophical and spiritual writing rather than stories or poetry.
The Literature Times: We were hoping you might tell us about some of the authors that have influenced you and who you read!
Author: I mostly read books published by Gita Press, and have been influenced and inspired by the literature written by saints like Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Sivananda, Swami Chidananda, Swami Krishnananda, Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Jayadayal Goyandka, Swami Ramsukhdas, Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar Ji.
The Literature Times: The title is unique and appealing; how did you come up with them? Please tell us the story behind it.
Author: I organised and conducted classes on Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Shlokas, under ‘Advaita Satya OM’ – a recently founded learning space for seekers of Sanatana Dharma. As a Founder of Advaita Satya OM, (still to be launched officially), the sole purpose behind starting this learning space is to uphold Sanatana Dharma in society for the next generation. In the past, I conducted small workshops on Akshaya Tritiya, and classes on Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Shlokas as first steps to my other forthcoming classes for children and also for seekers of Sanatana Dharma. While designing the curriculum for Gita Dhyana Shlokas, I thought of publishing the same as a book, which can be made available to the world. As we grow Advaita Satya OM and allow more individuals to join us and spread our philosophy, this book will serve as a repository of learning resources.
The Literature Times: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.
Author: Achievements in this material world are ephemeral. I just feel I should do my duty, applying Karma Yoga in my life. About Writing as a career – I do not want to limit my thoughts by making ‘writing’ as a goal or something that I strive for. Writing comes naturally to me. As someone who lives in a nation where the freedoms of speech, reading, and writing are important, I write to share my opinions. If I make ‘Writing’ as a career, I am giving people space to be judgemental about it, therefore, I write for the flair of writing and to express my ideology.
The Literature Times: What is your current goal in writing as a career? How do you see your future in writing?
Author: There is no goal. In this time of ‘Kaliyuga’ or ‘Dark Age’, Indian Knowledge System and Sanatana Dharma stands as the need of the hour. Being a Vedanta follower and IKS enthusiast, my writings in future will keep on contributing to the genres like Indian Philosophy, Indian Spiritualty and IKS.
The Literature Times: Do you have any other novels in the works? Please keep us updated on your future endeavours.
Author: Yes, one of my short story collections has long been pending and is planned for publishing in 2024. Apart from this, there are more titles related to Sanatana Dharma and IKS, that I wish to write and publish.
The Literature Times: How simple/difficult was it for you to publish your book? What message do you want to send to aspiring authors?
Author: I believe nothing comes easy in life, so no work is easy. Even though Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Shlokas and their meanings are a work of compilation, as written by Madhusudan Saraswati, this book is carefully crafted as an activity-based learning book for children aged 6-10 years. The meanings and conclusions drawn from the shlokas are explained in greater details, making every learning session more enriching for young readers. The book also provides a glimpse into our rich Indian past along with further facts and information about Indian ‘itihasa’ such as prominent characters from the Mahabharata.
My message to aspiring authors is ‘Whatever your writing is based on, whether it is gender based, or short story, poetry, or children, write with a message and while researching to write your stuff, try referring to ancient, original texts.