An Interview with Author Ayatan Tsubaki – Mind And Its Thoughts

An Interview with Author Ayatan Tsubaki – Mind And Its Thoughts

Akhila Saroha: First of all, congratulations on the tremendous success of your book, “Mind and its Thoughts.” It has garnered quite a following since its release. How do you feel about its overwhelming reception?

Ayatan Tsubaki: Thank you very much. ‘Mind And Its Thoughts’ has been a source of comfort to many people. It feels pleasant and satisfying to see people appreciating my work.

Akhila Saroha: Could you share the inspiration behind the creation of “Mind and its Thoughts”? What were the significant events or experiences that led you to write this book?

Ayatan Tsubaki: ‘Mind And Its Thoughts’ involves the unexplained behaviour of the mind towards human relations, themselves and their surroundings.

It is an assembly of stray thoughts jotted down in my leisure time. Perhaps, it was my way of looking at things in life that led me to writing this book.

Akhila Saroha: As an author, do you believe “Mind and its Thoughts” effectively captures your intended message, or do you anticipate exploring further themes in your future works?

Ayatan Tsubaki: It’s a continuing process; I have in mind to publish further episodes on this issue. I’ll continue my exploration until it has accepted the most it could.

Akhila Saroha: The abstract nature of “Mind and its Thoughts” quickly captivates readers. Did you consider other formats or styles before deciding to write it as poetry?

Ayatan Tsubaki: Poetry was my first form of writing. I would think of a poetic format before anything else; it’s something that comes to my mind on its own everytime i sit down to write.

Akhila Saroha: Though difficult to categorize, if you had to assign a genre to “Mind and its Thoughts,” how would you describe it?

Ayatan Tsubaki: Assigning a specific genre to ‘Mind And Its Thoughts’ is difficult. It’s a mix of everything. More of elegy and concrete, intricate poetry. It’s quite abstract with metaphors, deep thoughts and tons of visual imageries.

Akhila Saroha: As the author of “Mind and its Thoughts,” have you been influenced by any other writers? Are there specific authors who have inspired your work?

Ayatan Tsubaki: Though I am an avid reader of fiction and non fiction books, poetry comes to mind naturally so what I write down is natural. I admire Paulo Coelho’s poetic and philosophical way of writing; it’s something I can relate to.

Akhila Saroha: “Mind and its Thoughts” has established you as a promising writer. Can we expect more literary offerings from you in the future? Could you share any insights into your upcoming projects?

Ayatan Tsubaki: Yes, of course. I have in mind to publish more books of poetry and others for which initial activities have already begun but my present precommitments refrain me from publishing immediately.

Akhila Saroha: Balancing subjectivity and objectivity can be challenging when selecting situations and crafting them in “Mind and its Thoughts.” How did you approach maintaining an objective perspective throughout the book?

Ayatan Tsubaki: I had thought of different versions in different ways of the different aspects of the mind and soul which I think, has influenced my work. In my future works I will try to widen my objectivity for the same subjectivity.

Akhila Saroha: The title “Mind and its Thoughts” carries multifaceted associations. What is the story behind its selection for your book?

Ayatan Tsubaki: The selection is purely coincidental. At first, I thought of writing a poem but then ‘Mind And Its Thoughts’ seemed to be the apt title for the book.

Akhila Saroha: “Mind and its Thoughts” encourages readers to adopt an objective approach towards understanding life. How did you personally develop this perspective, and how does it manifest in your writing?

Ayatan Tsubaki: I’m too young for personal experience therefore, everything I have written came from the ambience, my surroundings.

Akhila Saroha: Prior to the creation of “Mind and its Thoughts,” how would you describe your literary journey and the experiences that shaped you as a writer?

Ayatan Tsubaki: This is my first published book— a humble beginning for me. I am really encouraged by the responses which I hope will drive me towards authoring further books.

Akhila Saroha: Your book, “Mind and its Thoughts,” presents unique perspectives in a simplified manner. What was the most challenging aspect of conveying such complexity in a more accessible way?

Ayatan Tsubaki: The most challenging aspect would be I believe, to select the right words and appropriate language, the emotion and vibe, for which the language had to be edited quite a number of times.

Akhila Saroha: Thank you for your time, and we wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors. We look forward to reading more impactful and thrilling books from your pen.Ayatan Tsubaki: Thank you very much for the encouragement. I hope I’ll be able to rise to the occasion.

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