Suvalagna Chandra’s Latest Author Interview: Mesmerizing Melodies

Suvalagna Chandra’s Latest Author Interview: Mesmerizing Melodies

Mesmerizing Melodies is Suvalagna’s first book and comprises of 10000+ words. This book is attached deeply to the author’s heart. Articles, specially the poems is a must read. Suvalagna has dedicated the book to her parents who fully supports her in whatever she does and aims to do.
“Love is blind” as Shakespeare says, indeed looked so faithful; for that fearless love letter, that stormed the mind in a stormy night.

Author Bio

Suvalagna Chandra is an aspiring author, an IT Professional, a BCA Graduate, alumna of SPHS and WBUT, and an individual who has strong belief in humanity..
Suvalagna has tried to write the poems in a manner that every age group can understand and appreciate them. Be it about life, love, longing, and death, the author has covered almost all the spheres of poetry and has gone into great depth. I am sure readers will enjoy the book.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the title “Mesmerizing Melodies” and how it relates to your book of poems?

Suvalagna Chandra: My biggest inspiration is my late maternal grandfather who used to write poems as well, when I grew old I started finding out that the art of writing is within me too.

As an IT professional with a BCA degree, how did you find the time and motivation to pursue your passion for writing and poetry?

Suvalagna Chandra: I have the writing talent in my blood!

Your book is dedicated to your parents who have been very supportive of your journey. How have they influenced your writing, and what role do they play in your creative process?

Suvalagna Chandra: I hail from a creative and productive family, hence I have it running in my veins.

What made you decide to write poems that cater to readers of all age groups? How did you ensure your poetry appeals to a wide audience?

Suvalagna Chandra: The whole concept was to cover all age groups and all dimensions of life. I am worldly wise, hence, this decision is quite normal.

Could you share with us a specific poem from the book that holds a significant personal connection or memory for you, and why it’s special?

Suvalagna Chandra: My all time favourite poem is Mother and I get compliments for the same. I cannot imagine life without mom!

In “Mesmerizing Melodies,” you mention touching upon themes of life, love, longing, and death. How did you approach these profound topics in your poetry, and what emotions did you hope to evoke in your readers?

Suvalagna Chandra: Poetry is actually a magic of imagination. So, I imagined deeply by giving up my sleep and wrote down almost every aspect of life. I wrote whatever I faced and experienced in my life till date. I witnessed departure, love, longing and life. I just gave them rhythm and made book of poems.

Shakespeare’s quote “Love is blind” is mentioned in the book. How has classical literature or other poets influenced your writing style and the themes explored in your poems?

Suvalagna Chandra: Since my school days, English literature has been my most loved subject. Poetry specially is my favourite. And I somehow inherited this love from my late grandfather who was a headmaster and used to be a writer as well!

Writing poetry can be a deeply introspective and emotional process. Can you share an instance where writing a particular poem had a profound impact on your own emotions or perspectives?

Suvalagna Chandra: You can say, each and every poem is deeply attached to my emotions but Love Letter is my major favourite! It has a lot to do with my own personal life. Rest, let’s keep it personal!

As an aspiring author, what challenges did you face in the writing and publishing process of your first book, and how did you overcome them?

Suvalagna Chandra: The biggest challenge that I faced is TIME. I found it difficult to find out time for making poems. I used to write in midnights, and slept for only 4-5 hours.

What do you hope readers will take away from “Mesmerizing Melodies,” and do you have any future writing projects in the works that you can give us a sneak peek of?

Suvalagna Chandra: In this book, I have tried to cover every aspect of life. The readers will need to understand the same, it is upto them how they take it to be honest. And yes, I’ll be writing down the 2nd edition of Mesmerising Melodies. So stay tuned!

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