Book Review of A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny by Rishitha Jithendra.

Book Review of A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny by Rishitha Jithendra.

Sometimes all we need in our life is a little bit of sparkle & an appropriate amount of hope to make everything going as our eyes shine to be sparkle and the heart feels the charm of hope! Well, this remarkable title, A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny by Author Rishitha Jithendra has talked about the magic of Hope, which is needed by every single human being on this planet. Through the stories in this book, the author has very brilliantly focused upon those aspects that are required in one’s life to keep things moving in a desired manner. The book has a deep message for the readers and it presents a beautiful journey where the readers will find much aspirations & positivity!

Author Rishitha Jithendra, who is known for her literary fiction title, “A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny”got her book published on 2nd of December 2022. The book is published & released worldwide by Evincepub Publishing and is available in both paperback as well as in e-book format. Readers can find this title on any of the online marketplaces.

This incredible book, “A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny” by Author Rishitha Jithendra covers the journey of a famous artist, Virav who tried to reach out to several people and learnt a lot from people’s stories. He started painting those pictures and exhibiting them, giving the world a great deal of information about lots of things, which must be known to the people of our world. Later he falls in love and he finds the meaning of love in order to develop a better understanding about the life. Well at this stage, a lot of unexpected twists and turns occurred in his life and he faced a lot of struggles, which ultimately drove him into the dark where he lost everything!

Further, the book progresses in a very positive manner, where an opportunity of hope knocks the doors of Virav and from here things begins to change that too in a great manner. This beautiful tale about Virav gives a hope and advocates upon space and time to make things move on the right track in everyone’s life. The stories in this book has vividly expressed emotions like combination of love & success as well as several instances of heartbreaks & struggles. Through the ‘21 Reading Worthy Chapters’ in this book, the author has presented the readers with a great storyline, which carries a great message for the readers. In addition, the optimism and the power of hope is very well presented in this book.

Coming to the choice of the book title, we find that the title “A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny” for this book is certainly an appropriate one. Moreover, with reference to the collection of chapters added to this book by the author the book title makes complete sense. In addition, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very interesting & positive vibe so you would feel the urge to go inside the book.

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much “Justified” with regards to the sequence of the chapters in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt title for this title and the author had been extremely wise to go for a book title like this one!

Well, if we go over the readers’ connect part for this book then interestingly we can note that this title, ‘A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny’ is written in a real appealing manner. In addition, the various chapters in this title are indeed engrossing & fascinating and the narration carried out by the author is so amazingly lucid, that it would totally hook the readers until the very last page of this incredibly written title. Moreover, it should be noted that this is one such title, which will make the readers think about the stories inside this book for several times, even after completing the book.

Now, coming to the final part, i.e. the book’s verdict where I must mention that a title like, “A Sparkling Hope And The Magic Of Destiny” is for sure a MUST READ one& deserves a chance by the readers. The message of positivity and hope is surely the best part of this title and a great storyline with several twists & turns are bound to kindle the readers. The book is most certainly a collection of reading worthy stories for people of all ages and is written in a very clever manner. We do not get to see much amazing titles very often in the market so it will be a smart move for the book lovers to give this title a chance. In addition, author Rishitha Jithendra deserves all the appreciation for her honest & hard work in this title!

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