Author’s Background: Author Sunil Aditya was born in a small village, which is few kilometres away from Hissar district in the state of Haryana. He spent the first 12 years of his life in his village whereas now he lives in Hissar. He has completed his graduation in the subject of History from Maharishi Dayananda University in Rohtak.
Neel Preet: Firstly, Congratulations on your book, “Antarman – Yatra Anant!” Well, can you please share your experience about making your work come into the form of book!
Sunil Aditya: Thanku very much for your wishes…!!!
Actually even I didn’t think of publishing my Book, I just wrote down some of the incidents happening aroung me, which left an impact on my heart. I was just pouring out my feelings on paper. Then later on it clicked into my mind and I thought of sharing these impressions with everyone because if I don’t share it then it will be injustice to everyone affected and bearing the same things around us. For this purpose, as I have been and anchor too, I recorded some of these stories to put them for Podcasting. But, then I felt, if I get it published before podcasting, it will be a document for everyone to preserve, available for a long time. So, I decided to publish my Book.
It took about three years or more approximately. During my journey, there were a lots of turns and twists, even I had to sacrifice Time of My little Kids Navya Shri and Kabir Aditya along with my dear wife. For that I’ll always be indebted to them.
Neel Preet: I’ve read your book & I feel that it is a guide for the readers of the modern time. So, what was the impetus behind this work of yours?
Sunil Aditya: Yes you are very right that it’s a guide for the readers of modern time in many aspects. Whether it’s Complications in our Relations or dilemma between Love and Infatuation, awareness about discrimination, condition of the feebles and their helplessness in our society even after 75 years of independence. All these points are put across in a very lucid manner through real life stories. I think for modern youth, it’s an effort to make them realise that it’s okay to go with the flow of Life but first of all, we all are Human Beings and feelings are the best insights for your progress in any sphere of life.
Neel Preet: Your book title, ‘Antarman – Yatra Anant’ definitely goes with the book’s content and is very catchy too! So, can you please explain the reason for going with this book title to the readers?
Sunil Aditya: Yes for sure. I have previously told that this book is all about the feelings spreaded everywhere around us. Most of the stories are inspired from real incidents. When I decided to put all these stories in the form of a Beautiful Book then without thinking even for a second The Title came from within and then I felt that no other title then Antarman-Yatra Anant can justify the feelings expressed in the Book and I went with my Feelings without thinking that much.
Neel Preet: While writing this book what was your mind-set? Is it based on any particular experience of yours?
Sunil Aditya: Yes, of course. As I have told earlier most of the stories are inspired from real day-to-day routine life. What I felt, wrote it down with some imaginations around the characters. While writing these stories I was eager to pour my feelings in form of words as I was not being able to withhold such strong feelings within me.
Neel Preet: Studying the subject matter of this book, I am greatly impressed and I want you to explain us, in your version that, how this book is relevant in the present day scenario!
Sunil Aditya: In today’s world, most of the people are roaming around in a hastle, to achieve the economic heights. They barely care about Human Feelings, have become machine and emotions have gone on backseat. This book slows you down to your roots and makes you think that driver seat always belongs to The Driver and somewhere down the line it is a fact that Feelings and Emotions are the driving force of Human Beings. And I think this is the need of the hour today in such a hectic life style.
Neel Preet: Next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you!
Sunil Aditya: In Hindi I am deeply impressed with Kabir Ji, the feelings I founds in Premchand Ji stories and Suryakant Tripathi ‘Nirala’ Ji. If I talk about English writers, I am fond of William Shakespeare and T.S. Eliot. Thinking of today’s time, I like Amirta Pritam and Rhonda Byrne.
Neel Preet: Is there any message that you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!
Sunil Aditya: Yes, of course. I would like to convey the only thing to my readers that whatever be the situation in Life, always follow your heart and it will take you to the destination where you were meant to be. You will always live and lead your life head high.
Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Sunil Aditya: I havn’t configured about my so called future projects but of course I’ll continue expressing my feelings into words because that’s a kind of healing therapy to me. So, it is for sure that time-to-time you will find me around you with some unique enthralling ideas filled with lots of feelings.
Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!
Sunil Aditya: It’s my pleasure and thank you very much for all your best wishes. Have a great time ahead…!!!