Brain Tumour Pathology For Post Graduates

Brain Tumour Pathology For Post Graduates

Firstly, it is obligatory to understand the very concepts of ‘Brain Tumour’ as well as ‘Pathology’ separately before going ahead. As many of the readers might not be aware with the subject matter, on which this review has been carried out.

Well, Pathology is the science of the causes & effects of diseases, especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes.

Whereas, Brain Tumour could be understood as a situation where the brain and spinal cord tumours (collectively known as central nervous system tumours) represent a group of diseases that have in common the abnormal development of mass lesions in the brain, spinal cord or its coverings. Brain Tumour can form in the brain cells or it can begin elsewhere and spread to the brain. Therefore, as the tumour grows, it creates pressure on and changes the function of surrounding brain tissue, which causes signs and symptoms such as headaches, nausea and balance problems.

Through this academic title, ‘Brain Tumour Pathology For Post Graduates’ author Dr. Mitadru De Sarkar has targeted the students of postgraduate level who are interested in the subjects of the brain anatomy, radiology and pathology. Undoubtedly, this book is academic in nature but the concepts in this book are vital for the common people too. Therefore, anyone can pick up this book for a read in order to understand some basic and fundamental neurological concepts!

About the Author: Author Dr. Mitadru De Sarkar did his post-graduation and senior residency in Pathology from Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India. He has, in the past, worked for SRL Diagnostics (Fortis Healthcare) and is currently, the Consultant Histopathologist at Calcutta Heart Clinic and Hospital, Kolkata. Postgraduate medical education is something he takes a keen interest.

Book’s Introduction: This book, ‘Brain Tumour Pathology For Post Graduates’ by Author Dr. Mitadru De Sarkar is actually a handbook that teach the basics of morphological analysis of brain tumours, given the fact that pathologies like these will often not be a part of the routine histopathological workflow in some post-graduate programs. This book is meant to fill the void, serving up pertinent pathological input along with comprehensive information on the ancillary diagnostic procedures that contribute to a final diagnosis. However, the Pathologist-in-training is not the only target audience of this book. Consultants working with a narrow range of immune-histochemical markers (sans FISH/Sanger sequencing backup) may benefit as well. 

Further, the book also mentions that how the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in neuropathology has changed several things. Well, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) entering neuropathology in a big way, a knowledge of the applicability of novel techniques like NGS and promoter methylation assays is proving increasingly necessary. The subsequent chapters in this book highlights such diagnostic issues. That about sums up the spirit of this manual. Well, this fantastic title, “Brain Tumour Pathology For Post Graduates,” which consists of a total of 8 Knowledge Imparting Chapters, along with several sub-chapters inside each chapters is ready at hand, informative book of knowledge for all the aspiring students!

Readers’ Connect: Well, the book is academic in nature and the Author has made sure to add numerous figures, diagrams and colourful text boxes throughout the book for presenting each and every minute details related to the subject matter in a better manner. The book presents the various neurological concepts in a very neat and presentable manner, which makes it even more easier for the students to understand the various subject matters.

In addition, even those readers who are not the medical students or neuroscience researchers can also take up this book for read. As the book consists of various basic and fundamental concepts, which we all need to know in our lives in order to gain a better understanding of our brain functioning and the causes that affects the working mechanism of our brains!

Book’s Verdict: If we will study the complete subject matter presented by the Author in this book, then one can easily conclude that of course the Book Title is very apt and suitable. The Author has very well justified the book title, as the subject matter present in this book truly gives a very deep layer by layer information of the subject matter!

Moreover, a book like “Brain Tumour Pathology For Post Graduates” deserves a chance by the academic as well as non-academic readers. Since as readers most of us do not even have the very basic knowledge of the vital neurological functions taking place in our body, which probably affects us at every moment of our lives with each breath that we take.

Therefore, for the sake of knowledge and awareness, this book is a Must Pick one, and the Author indeed deserves appreciation for presenting such beneficial knowledge of neuropathology through his book!

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