5000 YEARS BACK : A TIMELESS CONVERSATION by Neetika Maheshwari: Book Review

5000 YEARS BACK : A TIMELESS CONVERSATION by Neetika Maheshwari: Book Review

In “5000 Years Back” by Neetika Maheshwari, readers go on an enlightening journey through the pages of an insightful conversation between two friends, unravelling the profound teachings encapsulated in the Holy Book Bhagavad Gita. The book seamlessly transcends the confines of time, providing a manual for life that resonates not just year after year but over the course of centuries, maintaining its relevance even after 5000 years. Maheshwari’s purposeful endeavor is to bring the essence of Bhagavad Gita into the contemporary context, with the primary goal of connecting today’s youth to age-old life principles and the universal truths of the cosmos.

The narrative unfolds as a dialogue, offering readers an engaging and accessible approach to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. This conversation between friends serves as a conduit for ancient wisdom to reach a modern audience, breaking down complex philosophical concepts into practical and comprehensible insights. Through the simplicity of language employed, Maheshwari ensures that the book becomes a bridge between the profound teachings of Bhagavad Gita and the everyday lives of the present generation.

At the core of “5000 Years Back” is a genuine attempt to distill the crux of Bhagavad Gita into a guide for life’s essential principles. The author carefully selects universal themes that transcend religious and cultural boundaries, emphasizing the timelessness of the teachings. Maheshwari’s thoughtful presentation encourages readers to reflect on their own existence, fostering a connection between ancient philosophy and contemporary sensibilities.

The book’s emphasis on connecting youth to age-old life principles responds to the urgent need for grounding in an era marked by rapid technological advancements and societal shifts. Maheshwari recognizes a gap in the education system and seeks to address it by reintegrating these timeless principles into the curriculum. The aspiration for these reflections to become a common subject of study reflects a visionary outlook, envisioning a future where the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita becomes an integral part of mainstream education.

The deliberate choice of simple English makes the book accessible to a broad readership, especially the modern youth who may be unfamiliar with the archaic language often associated with ancient texts. By presenting profound ideas in an approachable manner, Maheshwari extends an invitation to explore the depths of existence without intimidating the reader. This approach ensures that the book serves as an inclusive and inviting introduction for those seeking guidance on life’s most profound questions.

“5000 Years Back” distinguishes itself by not merely presenting abstract concepts but by delving into practical applications. Maheshwari skillfully connects Bhagavad Gita’s teachings to contemporary challenges, demonstrating their relevance to the complexities of the modern world. The book thus becomes a beacon of wisdom that guides readers on how to live a purposeful and fulfilling life amidst the myriad demands of today’s society.

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The thematic exploration of life’s purpose and the contemplation of what happens next adds layers of depth to the narrative. Maheshwari prompts readers to move beyond the mundane aspects of life and consider existential questions. By addressing fundamental inquiries about the meaning of life and the journey beyond, the book transforms into a philosophical compass that navigates the complexities of existence.

A notable aspect of “5000 Years Back” is its non-sectarian approach, presenting the teachings of Bhagavad Gita without affiliating them with any specific religion or belief system. This inclusive stance broadens the book’s appeal, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds and beliefs to engage with the wisdom it imparts. The aspiration to offer a basic set of rules on how to live becomes a shared foundation for readers, fostering unity and shared understanding.

The hope expressed in the book is that these teachings become a common subject of study, aligning with a progressive vision for education. Maheshwari envisions a society where the exploration of life’s fundamental questions is not relegated to specific religious studies but is integrated into mainstream education. This vision resonates with the evolving paradigm of education that seeks to nurture holistic development and critical thinking among students.

Structured as a conversation between friends, the book adopts a dialogical format that enhances its readability. The friendly exchange of ideas mirrors the internal dialogue that readers may engage in as they grapple with the profound reflections presented in the book. This conversational tone makes the complex concepts of Bhagavad Gita more approachable and relatable.

“5000 Years Back” by Neetika Maheshwari stands as a commendable effort to make the timeless wisdom of Bhagavad Gita accessible and relevant to contemporary readers. The book serves as a bridge between ancient philosophy and the modern understanding of life’s principles, offering a guide for individuals, especially the youth, to navigate the complexities of existence. Maheshwari’s use of simple language, non-sectarian approach, and emphasis on practical applications make the teachings of Bhagavad Gita accessible and relatable. As a manual for life, “5000 Years Back” invites readers to embark on a reflective journey, exploring the depths of their existence and discovering universal truths that withstand the test of time.


Author Name: Neetika Maheshwari

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.in/5000-Years-Back-timeless-conversation-ebook/dp/B0CQGVCJD6/

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